Grants for Low Income in Kentucky
Kentucky has come into prominence with its low property taxes, low cost of living, affordable educational opportunities, and good farming lands. Recent studies indicate that Kentucky is the kindest state in the country. Although it has charming features, low and moderate-income people and families may struggle to afford their living expenses in this state. Thus, the federal government, the State of Kentucky, and local non-profit establishments assist low income with plenty of programs and services such as financial assistance, housing assistance, health assistance, utility bill assistance and food assistance.
Financial and Cash Assistance
Kentucky Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federally sponsored financial assistance program. This program is also known as Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (KTAP) among local people. Even though this program provides monetary support to low-income families, it prioritizes low-income families with children. Eligible families who are in financial struggle can receive this help for up to 60 months. It also helps family members to find a job. To learn more, please go to or by phone at 502 564 3440 or 855 306 8959.
Kentucky Emergency Management Individuals and Household Assistance Program is an extensive financial assistance program for low-income residents. Low-income individuals who require emergency financial assistance are welcome to get in touch with this organization. The amount of money is determined based on the total household income and family size. Recipients of this program may also have housing assistance benefits, free clothing, furniture, and so on. The link to their official website is as follows or contact 1 800 462 7585 or 1 800 621 3362.
Housing and Rent Assistance
Kentucky Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program was formed and has been mandated by the federal agencies in this state. Its main goal is to reduce homeless across the state by helping low and moderate-income people and families. It prioritizes the low-income elderly, children, pregnant women, single mothers, and people with disabilities. Qualified households will be able to choose their own house, home, or apartment in their favor. The property must meet the regulations of the program. Roughly 30 to 40 percent of the rent of the beneficiaries will be paid by the program. The rest of the payment will be made by the applicants. For more information and to apply, please visit or dial toll-free at 877 552 7368.
Kentucky Housing Corporation was constituted by the General Assembly in 1972 and has been offering housing assistance programs for needy persons and families in the area since then. Its current programs are as followed:
- Kentucky Balance of State Continuum of Care: This program was specifically designed for low-income individuals who are at risk of homelessness or who are already homeless. It offers permanent or temporary housing options for its beneficiaries. They may also apply for emergency cash support, utility assistance, rental support, and other supportive services.
- Emergency Solutions Grant Program: This emergency monetary aid is particularly designed for people who are about to lose their homes because of their economic problems. The amount and the length of the support are determined by the beneficiaries’ current economic status.
- Housing Opportunities for Persons With Aids (HOPWA): This housing assistance is specifically prepared for low-income people who are suffering from AIDS or similar diseases.
- Olmstead Housing Initiative: This initiative brings KHC and the Kentucky Cabinet together. They partner up to assist low-income families and persons who have someone in their family suffering from severe mental illness. Eligible people or families will be living in a housing unit that is fully-fledged with healthcare benefits.
- Recovery Kentucky: This housing assistance is specifically organized for low-income people who are suffering from domestic violence, chemical dependency, mental illness, and related matters. These recovery houses were designed to help these recipients.
- Scholar House: It is an educational service for people who are interested in financial literacy, housing management, self-sufficiency, and so on.
Explore more opportunities through the following link or make a phone call at 502 564 7630 or 800 633 8896.
Health Assistance
The Kentucky Medicaid Program was established and has been supported by federal agencies for low and moderate-income seniors, families with children, pregnant women, children, and people with disabilities. This program is also recognized as the Ky-Health Choices by the public. The program offers health care to improve the well-being of its recipients. Low-income persons who are Kentucky residents and have limited resources are eligible to apply for this benefit. Some of its benefits are physician services, prescription medications, hospitalization, transportation, nursing home care, therapy, dental services, and much more. The scope of health benefits varies based on the participants’ current health status. Read more information at this link or make contact with 502 564 4321.
Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program is the Medicaid program that was particularly designed for low-income children who need emergency health support to get better. Children who are 19 years of age or older, residents of Kentucky, and have monthly earnings that are under the federal income poverty level are qualified to receive this help. Within the scope of this program, accepted children will be able to benefit from the following services:
- Health screenings
- Check-ups
- Dental care
- Mental health
- Eyeglasses
- Prescription medicine
- Immunizations
- Doctor Visits
- Serum
- Allergy injections
- Vision exams
- Hospital care and more.
To see the best available services for your condition, please follow the link or make connections with 1 877 524 4718.
Utility Bill Assistance
Kentucky Project Warm is a local neighborhood initiative for low and middle-income families and people who are not able to pay their utilities. This initiative has been helping local people since 1982. Accepted households may receive monthly payments for their utilities or benefit from insulation, sealing air leaks, or energy-saving education services. This project aims to lower energy usage, reduce climate pollution, improve health, increase safety, and create affordable housing through its services. Find out more information at or call 502 636 9276.
Kentucky Duke Energy is a local utility company that has been contribuıting to the community by presenting various utility programs. Individuals and families who are in economic struggle and cannot cover their bills are encouraged to get in touch with this local company. Qualified candidates will be obtaining one-time cash assistance each year. Besides, they may request to benefit from other utility services including heat pumps, energy-efficient light bulbs, weather-stripping, energy-saving courses, water pipe wrap, tune-up, and furnace. Please visit here to see more information or dial 800 769 3766.
Food Assistance
Kentucky Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children was constituted and has been led by the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services for low-income women and children in the area. Low-income single mothers, pregnant women, families with children, or children only are urged to make contact with this program to receive food assistance. It is vital for children to have healthy and nutritious food for their improvement. Accepted participants may receive monthly food boxes or home-delivered hot, frozen, or cold meals depending on their financial and health conditions. It also promotes healthy eating habits, courses about healthy eating, and more. For further information, please take a look here or by phone at 502 564 3827.