Grants for Low Income in San Antonio
San Antonio is the seventh-most populous city in the United States and the second-most populous city in Texas. The city has a diversified economy. San Antonio’s economic sectors include health care, government–civil service, tourism, oil and gas, and financial services. In addition, the city has a growing technology sector, and it is an important place for American-based call centers. San Antonio is also a popular tourist destination. Over twenty million tourists visit the city. There are also a lot of programs, and services for low-income people, seniors, single mothers, veterans, and disabled individuals in San Antonio. These benefits are financed by the City of San Antonio, the federal government, and local nonprofit organizations.
Financial and Cash Assistance
Family Assistance Centers are managed by the City of San Antonio’s Department of Human Services. The centers help low-income families and individuals. Through combined federal, utility, and general fund dollars, the Department of Human Services Family Assistance Division offers support to needy families in San Antonio. Services include financial counseling and utility assistance. Find out more information at or contact 210-207-8198.
Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of San Antonio, Inc is a religious/church organization that can provide immediate cash assistance for low-income individuals, seniors, and veterans. In addition, they present one-time emergency financial assistance to prevent utility disconnection and homelessness. Catholic Charities also help screen eligibility for other federal benefits like CHIP, TANF, Medicaid, and HTW. Read more information at or make connections with 210 222-1294.
Housing and Rent Assistance
San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) is a nonprofit organization that provides housing assistance to low-income adults, children, and seniors through its public housing, housing choice voucher, and mixed-income housing programs. It owns and manages public housing units. 48% of the individuals served are under the age of 18. To learn more, you may check at or give it a call at 210-477-6000.
Habitat for Humanity of San Antonio is a nonprofit housing service that builds affordable houses for low-income persons without interest or profit. They work with low-income families who would not otherwise be able to afford a home. Habitat for Humanity of San Antonio partners with low-income families and assists them in building affordable homes for themselves and their families at no interest and no profit. Find out more information at or make connections with 210-223-5203.
Health Assistance
CareLink is a support service. University Health presents it. University Health cares about each patient, regardless of income level. Low-income people, seniors, and single mothers do not have health insurance and do not qualify for other coverage benefits from the CareLink financial assistance program. The economic program assists in making healthcare services at University Health more affordable, but it is not health insurance.
To qualify for the service’s membership, low-income individuals, families, seniors, veterans, and single mothers must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- The patient’s income must be below 200% of federal poverty guidelines.
- Patients must be Bexar County residents.
- Patients do not have or qualify for health insurance.
Click here to read more information or phone at 210 358 3350.
Wesley Health & Wellness Center is operated by Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. It is a private, faith-based, nonprofit organization dedicated to creating healthcare access for uninsured and low-income families. Wesley Health & Wellness Center presents a state-of-the-art health facility to the community surrounding it.
Services they offer include:
- Computer Lab
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Computer Lab
- Counseling and Case Management (individual, family, substance abuse)
- Diabetes Education
- Dental (exams, cleanings, fillings, root canals, dentures, extractions, etc.)
- Language Classes
- Food Pantry
- Exercise Classes
- Health Education
- Lab
- Immunizations
- Medical
- On-site Café
- Medicaid and CHIP Application Assistance
- Parenting Support Groups
- Oral Surgery
- Physical Exams
- Pediatrics
- Referral Assistance (necessities include housing, utilities, and food)
- Prescription Assistance
- Sports Leagues (Adult and Youth)
- Senior Programs
- Summer Youth Camp
- Women’s Health
- Transportation Assistance
- Women’s Health
- Youth Afterschool Programs
Find out more information at or dial 210-922-6922.
Utility Bill Assistance
The AACOG Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is a Weatherization Assistance Program that helps low-income individuals, particularly the handicapped and the senior, overcome the high cost of energy by installing weatherization measures at no charge. The program is funded by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, United States Department of Energy. WAP helps lower the amount of energy used in a home by enhancing the structure’s thermal boundary. Low-income renters are also eligible for the services. To qualify for the Weatherization Assistance Program:
- The low-income applicant’s total household income must meet federal income eligibility requirements,
- The applicant must be a U.S. Citizen,
- The home must be structurally sound.
The home is disqualified if the house has:
- Foundation problems,
- Poor electrical wiring,
- Plumbing problems, roof leaks.
Weatherization assistance low-income individuals and families receive might include:
- Wall, attic, and-or floor insulation,
- Weather-stripping and caulking,
- Repair or replacement of broken windows or storm windows
- Install new gas water heaters, HVAC, space heaters, or window air conditioning units.
Explore more opportunities through the following link or by phone at 210-362-5282.
Food Assistance
Guadalupe Community Center is an agency of Catholic Charities. Low-income individuals and families in San Antonio can benefit from their food assistance program. Examples of what is provided can vary by program type but range from perishable items and canned goods to Thanksgiving and Christmas meals and gifts. In addition, the center distributes free canned food, meat, dry goods, dairy, and baked goods. For more information, please follow the link or call the helpline (210) 226-6178.
Blessed Angels Community Center is a nonprofit food pantry in San Antonio for low-income veterans, seniors, the disabled, and families in need of food assistance. The food pantry’s mission is to fight hunger in the city and surrounding communities through healthy food distribution. Blessed Angels Community Center has a monthly distribution of healthy fresh vegetables and healthy groceries for the elderly and their families. The center also helps low-income, homeless, and at-risk veterans and their families with emergency food assistance. The link to their official website is as follows or make a phone call at (210)-284-4391.